Dee Caffari finishes Rolex Fastnet Race

Gosport sailor Dee Caffari has finished the Rolex Fastnet Race with all seven Volvo Ocean Race yachts finishing within half an hour of each other.

Whilst Dee, skippering Turn the Tide on Plastic, has sailed in many Fastnet races, four of her crew had never done the race before.

“We were the last start and were short tacking out through the Needles with 400 boats ahead of us” said Dee. “Then it was a long upwind slog with numerous squalls, unstable, with big shifts and it was SO cold. It was interesting for the young new sailors in our team that we can be on the pace. There is a lot to learn. It takes us that bit longer to get to the set-ups with each sail change and there were a lot of sail changes out there.”