Gosport based Crewsaver & DSB to sponsor Kieler Woche 2017

Survitec is delighted to announce that two of its leading brands, Crewsaver & DSB will be sponsoring Kieler Woche which takes place 17th – 25th June 2017.
DSB, who are known for the design and manufacture of rescue boats and are located in Germany have had a long standing partnership with Kieler Woche for more than a decade. The new, combined and extended partnership sees Survitec supply integral safety support using the DSB range of inflatable boats, Crewsaver Crewfit 180N Pro lifejackets for rescue and jury crews and Crewsaver inflatable marker buoys for the race course.
In addition, throughout the event competitors and spectators will have the opportunity to purchase a number of items from DSB and the Crewsaver product range including the brand new ErgoFit 50N buoyancy aid, designed exclusively for Artemis Racing, one of the 35th America’s Cup teams. The stand is located in the ‘event area Kiel Schilksee’ and jointly run with PAX and will be supported by German Crewsaver Distributor Nordwest-Funk. The Crew will offer help with integral product advice and assist with your safety equipment needs.
Axel Schuen, Survitec Director of Boats said ‘Kieler Woche is a fantastic event and we are only too delighted to be involved in such a big way. Our award winning product portfolio will be accessible to all throughout the event; we look forward to seeing you there!’
‘We are very happy that Survitec has extended the long lasting partnership, based on the competent support DSB has delivered over the last years’ said Dirk Ramhorst, Organizing Director of Kiel Week, and added ‘As a global leader in its business, Survitec perfectly fits to our sponsor pool and enriches the services offered to us as the organizers and the participants as well.’