Portsmouth City Council Update

Portsmouth CC has started making grant payments for businesses under the small business grant fund and retail hospitality and leisure grant fund; check to see if your business is eligible here. The Council also has a dedicated Business Support Helpline which is managed by the economic growth team. The line is open 7am-7pm Monday to Friday on 023 9284 1641.
Help Key Workers by moving business vehicles from residential roads in Portsmouth.
Business vehicles in Portsmouth that are not currently being used are being encouraged to move to a number of locations to free up car parking spaces for key workers returning from long shifts and for vulnerable residents. Over 4,750 spaces are now free of charge in Portsmouth Council car parks and a number of schools have offered space in their car parks. For more information click here. High sided vehicles can be parked at the Park and Ride by calling 023 9268 8290 (8am to 6pm, Monday to Sunday).